

Hawaii is the only state of the United States that is completely surrounded by water. Its`Iolani Palace is the only royal residence in the United States of America.

Hawaii has over 105,000 local businesses due the fact its islands cover a width of 1,523 miles. That makes it the second widest state next to Alaska.

Hawaii became a sate on August 21, 1959. At some point, someone in Hawaii invented surfing so they Hawaiians are known for excelling at the sport. They also wear white pants after after Labor Day. Hawaii is also the only U.S. state with two official languages.

State BirdNene
State FlowerHibiscus or Pua Aloalo
State TreeCandlenut Tree
  • University of Hawaii at Hilo
  • University of Hawaii at Manoa
  • University of Hawaii-West Oahu
  • University of Hawaii Maui College
  • Brigham Young University Hawaii
  • Chaminade University of Honolulu

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