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Benefits Of Online Marketing And Social Media Networking
There are many benefits of online marketing and social media networking. In fact, there are so many benefits to build your brand online it’s hard
How To Use Social Media Content Marketing For SEO
Learning how to use social media content marketing for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes can grow your business online. Your social media activity and SEO
Here’s How Black Hat SEO Kills Your Online Business
You’re spending your days working 9 to 5, then suddenly it hits you – you can have your own business. You start brainstorming, researching the
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So you want to know how to make money kicking ass on social media? I don’t blame you, because most people use social media in
Content Creation for SEO
Generating leads requires SEO skills. Learn how proper SEO strategies will create a huge difference in your lead generation strategy. SEO for Lead Generation Search
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Things I Need To Write Down
Things I Need To Write Down Because I’m Old And I Forget Stuff is a geat book slash gag gift for older people. It’s a great gift idea for friends and family. You know it makes my list of gifts for older men . SPN is reader-supported, and some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . hings
Aquatic Art By Stoltz Design Of Chicagoland – Support Great Art
Check out the aquatic art by Stoltz design on Amazon, so you can see their complete art catalog. Stoltz Design specializes in the unique deepsea diver and nautical theme style prints. They love old diver helmets, odd things, and vintage aquatic. They always seem to find the best oddities and curiosities for their aquatic artwork. Their art can inspire anyone
Hexnub Cooler Box Light
The Hexnub Cooler Box Light is a great accessories for coolers. It also makes for great gift ideas for beach-goers and campers everywhere. Waterproof LED Light For Coolers The HEXNUB Cooler Box Light is sure to up your late-night party game. This waterproof light for coolers isn’t too costly and it’s a great gift idea for anyone that hates digging
Honeymoon In Baghdad By Heidi Radkiewicz – Book Review
Honeymoon in Baghdad By Heidi Radkiewicz Mike O’Connor‘s review of Honeymoon in Baghdad: I first met Jake Radkiewicz when he moved to our little middle school in Villa Park. We became fast friends, but we like a lot of young friends drifted apart in high school and beyond. I always knew that Jake was an exceptional human being so it
Grilling Gifts: Great Gift Ideas For Grilling Fanatics
Almost everyone in the SPN social media groups loves grilling. There are some people that prefer to be the one doing the grilling, so these gift ideas are great for them. Grilling Gift Ideas More great gift ideas for grill masters: Shop For Grilling Fans And Help Charity! Our goal with SPN is to spread kindness and help others, so
Vector Mini Personal Robot – Innovation Technology
The Vector Mini Personal Robot is the perfect gift for geeks you really care about! It will provide your nerdy friend a companion that can hang out and help out! The nerd will love it because the Vector robot is powered by AI and advanced robotics! It’s also small enough for you to be
Shoes: Great Gift Ideas For Shoe Lovers & People With Feet
Shoes for everyone Shoes are something that most of us wear everyday, so they’re important. Therefore, we had to collect a wide array of shoes for everyone from shoe lovers to people that just like their feet. Are you a shoe lover? Or do you just enjoy your feet and want them to be happy, healthy, and pretty? Have no
Office Goodies Everyone Will Love: Great Office Gift Ideas
Are you wondering what to get your coworkers for the home & office? You want to make sure to get the right gift for the people that have your back through thick and thin! We also have great gift ideas for the jerks in the office too! We have the best office goodies on this list so you don’t have
Massaging Bed Rest
This massaging bed rest makes it a lot easier to pamper yourself. It’s also a great gift idea for anyone works from home or likes to read in bed. This bed rest provides a world class massage and light for reading. The arm rest closes the deal because they’re sturdy and comfortable. They also have a great cup holder and
Star Wars Sunshade – Great Gift Idea For Fans
The Star Wars Sunshade will not help you make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs. However, it is also a sunshade that Star Wars fans should like. It will not last forever in the most tropical of locations, but it does its job. Fans of Hans Solo and the Original Star Wars will love
Top 7 Reasons to buy an Air Purifier in 2023
1- Air Purifiers: Do You Need One in Your Home? If you have allergies, asthma, or other respiratory problems, an air purifier can help you breathe easier. But even if you don’t have any health problems, an air purifier can be a good investment. Here are seven reasons to buy an air purifier for your home. 1. Air purifiers remove
Bond Touch Bracelets for Long-Distance Lovers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkdkJ3AHc2o&t=17s Bond Touch Bracelets are a great gift idea for girlfriends or boyfriends that like to know you’re thinking of them. They’re also a fun piece of jewelry that lets people know you’re off the market. They are a pair of vibrators technically speaking. You and your lady or man can each wear on your wrist and send little positive
Lonely Planet India 19 (Travel Guide)
Lonely Planet India serves as your guidebook to the most pertinent and current recommendations on where to explore and where to bypass, unveiling the hidden treasures awaiting your discovery. Lonely Planet India 19 (Travel Guide) Paperback – Folded Map, May 31, 2022 Lonely Planet India 19 (Travel Guide) Paperback – Folded Map, May 31, 2022 Embark on a journey through
World’s Strongest Coffee – Death Wish Organic USDA Certified Whole Bean Coffee
Death Wish Organic Coffee CHECK IT OUT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV0WKHGO8IA The World’s Strongest Coffee is Death Wish Organic USDA Certified Whole Bean Coffee, 16 oz. I like it and I also know many other SPN members will back me up on this. The government can end the war on hardcore drugs because this coffee will give you all the buzz you need
Tactical Tomahawk – Gift For Men
https://serviceprofessionalsnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ShortForm-Generic-480p-16-9-1409173089793-rpcbe5-1.mp4 CHECK THIS OUT Nothing says you’re serious like the Tactical Tomahawk! Send your enemies running or chop some wood in style. Its razor-sharp ax head, steel body, and built-in crowbar make this weapon a handy tool in many situations. The Tactical Tomahawk makes the list for best gifts for men that like the outdoors! It also makes the list
Pull Start Fire – Pull String Firestarter – Great Camping Tool
Previous Next The Pull Start Fire – Pull String Firestarter is made for people really like fires, but aren’t so fond of the struggle building them. These things are less for sale on Amazon for $17.99, but they’re also priceless in a pinch. If you’re struggling to survive due to weather, losing your lighter, or whatever else these things can
GuruNanda Contactless Infrared Forehead Thermometer
CHECK IT OUT #SPN is an Amazon affiliate. I’m digging the GuruNanda Thermometer because it makes easier to be safe in the home & office. The days of sticking mercury have been a long time. Now, you can also take someone’s temp without even touching them. I’m so thankful that I don’t need the old touch, hold, check, and repeat options.
Gifts For Boyfriends: Great Gift Ideas For Great Boyfriends
Shop for gifts for boyfriends through SPN and help good causes. Get great gift ideas for your boyfriend and find deals of the day through SPN. Here some great gifts for boyfriends that any man would love: Boyfriend Gift Ideas Gifts For Boyfriends And Helping Charity You can buy boyfriend gifts and help charity, so you can confirm he was
Crocs Unisex-Adult Classic Clogs
Crocs – Adult Classic Clogs Crocs Unisex-Adult Classic Clogs are super famous and successful because they’re awesome. Whether you’re hanging with friends or hitting the town, rock your style effortlessly with Crocs – because comfort never goes out of fashion. For best results, keep your Crocs out of direct heat and intense sunlight. This includes dishwashers, washing machines, and hot
Emergency Radio with NOAA Weather Alert
The Emergency Radio with NOAA Weather Alert makes the list of great gift ideas for campers and road warriors . Check it out and other cool stuff to buy ! I might just get Dougie one for a Valentine’s Gift , because it would make a great gift idea for him . NOAA Weather Radio This NOAA Weather Radio is
Vornado Glide Vortex Room Heater
Previous Next The Vornado Glide Vortex Room Heater is awesome due to the way it can heat the whole room while staying cool to the touch. It also has a really sleek modern look so your friends will know you’re smart and stylish. Baby, it’s cold outside, but it doesn’t have to be cold inside too. Vortex technology fully circulates
Meathead: The Science of Great BBQ & Grilling
Meathead: The Science of Great BBQ & Grilling by Meathead Goldwyn. Learn how to cook like a BBQ grilling legend! Buy it on Amazon! Meathead: The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling About the author, Meathead Goldwyn Meathead Goldwyn is The founder and editor of the world’s most popular BBQ and grilling website, AmazingRibs.com . It doesn’t take long for
Unf*ck Yourself By Gary John Bishop – Motivational Book Review
Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life Hardcover – August 1, 2017 by #0000ff;” href=”https://amzn.to/2C2SRLL” data-asin=”B01M9F5EEN”>Gary John Bishop (Author) SPN Book Reviews #0000ff;” href=”https://amzn.to/2MFQUtl”>Jake Melton’s review: As a frequent self-help reader and author, the books I enjoy the most are those that tell it to me as it is. I am reading with the intention to
Valentine’s Day Gifts | Great Gift Ideas For Valentines
Valentine’s day gifts are a big deal so you better make sure to get some good ones. If you aren’t planning on getting your girlfriends , wives, or significant other a good Valentine’s day you’re not really planning. You’ll also know why you don’t have a Valentine next year if you don’t get a good gift this year. If there
Charmeuse Kimono Robes – Cool Clothes
I love everything about these Charmeuse Kimono Robes because they’re elegant, comfy, and one the top gift ideas for women. These robes are also great for dudes that like to be comfy. You may also want to check out the Japanese heated table so you have another reason to cuddle up. These robes make great Christmas or anniversary gifts too!
Game Night Table Topper – Great For Poker Games
CHECK IT OUT The Game Night Table Topper is a great gift idea for the man-cave! This table works well for poker night, D&D Night, or family board games. The Game Night Table Topper makes playing games much better. It makes any game night better because there aren’t bumps or creases and plenty of cupholders. The
AC Infinity AIRTAP HVAC Register Booster Fan
The AC Infinity AIRTAP HVAC Register Booster Fan is on my list of great gifts for men this year. Use this fan to regulate air flow from your HVAV system. This is also a great gift idea for anyone that tends to be a be a little hotter or colder than everyone else in the house. You just plug it
Work From Home Essentials
If you are going to work from home, you need these work from home essentials to keep your productivity high. You will probably also want to keep your sanity. Some will say that working from home is a blessing. Having the ability to work from home is a blessing because you have more freedom. You don’t have to deal with
Home Planetarium Star Projector | Sega Toys Homestar Flux
CHECK IT OUT Sega Toys Homestar Flux (Satin Black) Home Planetarium Star Projector Home Planetarium Star Projector…Buy It On Amazon! Related Products: Discs Double Pack #1 for Sega Toys Homestar Planetarium $34.99 Discs Double Pack #2 for Sega Toys Homestar Planetarium $34.99 Who doesn’t want a home planetarium star projector? Nothing says peaceful like 60,000 little lights that create the solar system
Camping Cube Tent
SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . Camping Cube Tent Check out this camping cube tent, if you’re thinking about go with the family. You can use this as a canopy or a shelter, which you can set up in seconds. Use the canopy and attach a 10′ x 10′ shelter when you
Camping Multitool Hatchet (Survival Gear)
Check out this Camping Multitool Hatchet (Survival Gear) that I found on Amazon. This camping multitoolhatchet does it all and is a great gift idea for camping. SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . Gifts for Dad Men Husband Him RoverTac Multitool Axe Camping Survival Gear 14-in-1 Axe Birthday Gifts for Dad Husband
Shadow Fighter – Can You Be Faster Than Your Shadow Age
The Shadow Fighter Game from Fotorama makes our list of best gifts for kids! I was going to put it in the gifts for athletes guide, because I got a great work out playing with one. However, I realized that I’m really just out of shape so I didn’t want to embarrass myself more. This is a great gift idea for
Star Wars Yoda Metal Bookend – Gift Idea
Previous Next You can use the Star Wars Yoda Metal Bookend to display your love for the force! It will also mess with everyone that has OCD that sees it. Now, it looks Yoda is using the force to do some heavy lifting, but it’s only for lightweight books. Check out more cool Star Wars stuff
India: A History. Revised and Updated (Book)
John Keay’s “India: A History” offers a comprehensive narrative that traverses five millennia, recounting the rich tapestry of the peoples of the subcontinent. It delves into their origins in the Indus Valley to the contemporary events shaping the region. Check out more book reviews by SPN members ! India: A History. Revised and Updated Paperback – April 12, 2011 by
Saki Automatic Pot Stirrer – Great Gift Idea For Cooks
Previous Next The Saki Automatic Pot Stirrer makes the grade for the induction into the gifts for men and women gift guides. This automatic pot stirrer makes the grade due to the awesome factor. A lot of people like to cook, but there few people that really want to stand over a boiling
The Simple Wild & Wild at Heart Novels Review By Tina Oliver
The Simple Wild and Wild at Heart are part of a three-book series that includes a novella between books two and three. This series is beautifully written by K.A. Tucker, who happens to be one of my favorite authors. Calla Fletcher has only known life as a much loved and pampered girl from Toronto. Calla learns her estranged father, Wren,
Cliff Prefabricated Modular House
Previous Next CHECK IT OUT The Cliff – Premium Prefabricated Modular House is a dream more than anything at this point, but it’s still a pretty cool concept. Q-haus claims that their modular house is a full-scale prefabricated architectural wonder. They also claim that it is perfect accommodations for friends and
Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit – Great ManCave Gift Ideas
Previous Next The #ffffff;” href=”https://amzn.to/2Ey8UAj” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit is something that makes a great gift due to the love it shows. Think about it. Nothing says “I Love you” quite like I helping someone survive the zombie apocalypse. These Zombie weapons come with: Gator Machete: High-carbon stainless steel body with both fine
MagniPros Text Magnifier
The MagniPros Text Magnifier is great gift idea for anyone that wants some eye-relief while reading small text. Magnipros’ magnifier is designed for seniors and low-vision individuals. Get a magnifier with a light and help SPN provide free services to our members. SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . MagniPros 5X Large
Transparent Inflatable Pool
This Transparent Inflatable Pool comes with two sets of googles so it’s a great pool for kids. It’s easy to set up and provides hours of funs for kids and adults. I am pretty happy about Spring and Summer coming up, so I know the kids are happy. Perhaps the kids aren’t as happy as beer lovers that think about
MoonRun Indoor Aerobic Trainer
CHECK IT OUT I hate running like vegans hate bacon, but I would enjoy the MoonRun Indoor Aerobic Trainer at any time. The MoonRun fitness system is a resistance-band based treadmill alternative to help runners. This workout equipment also happens to be portable and low-impact. The MoonRun will also help you with your jumping. MoonRun was built by a physical
Pizza Oven Grill For Weber Grills
https://serviceprofessionalsnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Kettle-Pizza.mp4 The Weber Grill Pizza Oven Kit makes our list of best gift ideas for grilling fanatics! It’s also a great gift for men and women that like pizza. With this pizza oven grill kit, you’re going to be able to make delicious home-cooked pizza outside! People are really getting into the home-cooked pizza on the
iFetch Automatic Ball Launcher
The iFetch Automatic Ball Launcher is not the first automatic ball launcher for dogs, but it is high-quality for its price point. This automatic tennis small launcher is built for small dogs, so they can play fetch inside all they want. It was an easy choice for our top gifts for pets! The iFetch Automatic Ball Launcher comes 3 mini
Myerchin Marlin Spike With Sheath
This Myerchin’s Marlin Spike was made for people like me that like to tie knots so tight that you can’t untie them. This tool kind of looks like a letter opener and can possibly be used for self-defense, but it was actually made to untie knots without hassle. CHECK IT OUT Most sailors and survivalists will know what this maritime
Grammar: Know Your Sh*t or Know You’re Sh*t
Grammar: Know Your Shit or Know You’re Shit Hardcover – December 1, 2015…buy it on Amazon! CHECK IT OUT In today’s social media world, it’s hard to tell if anyone even takes grammar seriously anymore. Most people use emojis like today’s version of hieroglyphics. However, social media has also shown that a lot of people need help with grammar. This
Plug-in Heated Travel Mug
Learn why this plug-in heated travel mug makes our list of best car accessories every road warrior must have . The Wagan 12V Stainless Steel 16 oz Heated Travel Mug with Anti-Spill Lid also makes the gift ideas for dads list. SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . Plug-in Heated Travel Mug
How To Be A Cash Flow Pro : Book Review
How to Be a Cash Flow Pro: A Mr. Biz Guide to Crushing Business Owner Insomnia by Ken “Mr. Biz” Wentworth Buy The Book: Ken “Mr. Biz” Wentworth is a Cash Flow Specialist who developed his expertise during 20+ years in financial leadership positions at a Fortune 15 company and most recently as a CFO/Business Advisor for small businesses. He enjoys
Nordic Ware Oven Safe Nonstick Baking & Cooling Grid
Previous Next Do you love to eat bacon and good chicken, but also feel the need to cut the grease and hassle? These Nordic Ware baking and cooling grids are great! You’ll most likely love them as much as I do. You simply put the bacon or breaded chicken in the oven let the heat do
In Bibi’s Kitchen (A Cookbook)
In Bibi’s Kitchen: The Recipes and Stories of Grandmothers from the Eight African Countries that Touch the Indian Ocean provides great African food recipes. SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . In Bibi’s Kitchen: The Recipes and Stories of Grandmothers from the Eight African Countries that Touch the Indian Ocean [A
D’CENT Biometric Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet
The D’CENT Biometric Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet protects Bitcoin, Dogecoin, or whatever cryptocurrency you want to keep safe. This biometric wallet easily makes our list of top gifts for geeks! It is a Bluetooth-enabled cold storage device that protects your private crypto keys with a certified Secure chip(EAL5+). It has a built-in fingerprint sensor, which both prevent others from accessing your
If You Can Read This Bring Me Some Wine Socks
CHECK THEM OUT The Women’s Novelty Socks – “If You Can Read This, Bring Me Some” (Wine, Chocolate, Coffee) Novelty Socks are a bestseller. They’re also hilarious, which is why they make our best gifts for women list! 8 out of 10 women polled for this blog approved of these socks as anniversary
Car Cup Holder Snack Tray By Desk York
Check out this Car Cup Holder Snack Tray By Desk York on Amazon! It makes our list of the best car accessories every road warrior must have! SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more. Car Cup Holder Snack Tray I’m a big fan of distracted driving, so you know Desk York’s Car Cup Holder Snack
TouchMe – MIDI Controller
The TouchMe – MIDI Controller is a great gift idea for the man-cave and teens . TouchMe is the perfect way to learn about music, creativity, and invention. It’s also a lot of fun! TouchMe | MIDI Controller | The musical instrument that turns skin, water, or flowers into sound | Play with friends or alone. As the area of
Space Heaters For Indoor Use
Check out these Space Heaters for Indoor Use because they’re great for the home and office. 2023 Newest Space Heater with Infrared Human Body Sensor Automatic ON/OFF (2meters). SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more. Space Heaters for Indoor Use,2023 Upgraded PTC Portable Mini Space Heaters with Sensor,Humidifier & 3D Flame Effect,1500W Electric Ceramic Heaters
Why I Must Have Sex with You Checklist
The Why I Must Have Sex with You Checklist Note Pad is a clear choice for gifts for women blog. It’s so clearly not something men would need or want around. I’m also pretty sure it’s going to offend someone with the political correctness of today. However, I find it funny so I had to add it to the SPN
CGK Queen Size 4 Piece Sheet Set
The online reviews for the CGK Queen Size 4 Piece Sheet Set speak volumes about what you can expect. Getting a good night’s sleep is easier with great sheets. These sheets are great gift ideas for ideas for moms . SPN is reader-supported, and some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . Promote your business and products
The Cubes Geometric Structured Sleeping Pillow
CHECK IT OUT The Cubes by F1F2 geometric structured sleeping pillow is a memory foam pillow built a geometric structure of 70 cubes. This memory foam pillow helps if you’re a restless sleeper, big snorer, or suffer from insomnia. The Cubes pillow was made to be great for anyone that tosses and turns all night so give it a try if
Midwest Medicinal Plants: Identify, Harvest, and Use 109 Wild Herbs for Health and Wellness (Medicinal Plants Series)
Midwest Medicinal Plants: Identify, Harvest, and Use 109 Wild Herbs for Health and Wellness (Medicinal Plants Series) makes my list of good books to read . “This comprehensive, accessible, full-color guide includes plant profiles, step-by-step instructions for essential herbal remedies and seasonal foraging tips.” —Natural Awakenings Chicago Midwest Medicinal Plants: Identify, Harvest, and Use 109 Wild Herbs for Health and
Beer Briefcase
Previous Next The Beer Briefcase is also known as the beer case. It’s a great gift for beer lovers that take their privacy and seriously as their beer. Get one today so they know you love them as much as they love beer. You should never have to trust your precious beer with a cardboard box. This
Standing in Strength: Inspirational Stories of Inner Power Unleashed – Book Review
I read Standing in Strength: Inspirational Stories of Inner Power Unleashed, and I liked it for many different reasons. Laarni Mulvey and I have known each other for a while, and we have been friends for a while. The book sat on my table in a pile of other books, before I read it. I got the book because she