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How To Grow Your Business On Social Networking Sites
By Craig Wasilchak The world is changing more and more every day thanks to the internet and social networking sites. It wasn’t long ago that
Content Creation for SEO
Generating leads requires SEO skills. Learn how proper SEO strategies will create a huge difference in your lead generation strategy. SEO for Lead Generation Search
Benefits Of Online Marketing And Social Media Networking
There are many benefits of online marketing and social media networking. In fact, there are so many benefits to build your brand online it’s hard
Here’s How Black Hat SEO Kills Your Online Business
You’re spending your days working 9 to 5, then suddenly it hits you – you can have your own business. You start brainstorming, researching the
Win-Win Marketing & Networking: How To Network Online Successfully
If It’s A Win-Win It’s #SPN! Win-Win is a basic concept, so a lot of people are really starting to get it. In this blog,
Bowman Digital Media Helping Business Owners Reach Their Clients
We at Bowman Digital Media (BDM) are grateful for the opportunity to be a sponsor of Service Professionals Network as we believe in what they
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Great Going Away Gift Ideas For Neighbors Or Coworkers You Kinda Like
Let’s be honest: few things sting more than bidding farewell to a beloved co-worker who’s landed a new job or a neighbor kind enough to leave you alone. Selecting the perfect going-away gift to convey just how much you’ll miss them can be a bit of a challenge. The standard “good luck” card hardly ranks as the most thrilling farewell
Hamilton Beach Breakfast Sandwich Maker with Egg Cooker Ring
The Hamilton Beach Breakfast Sandwich Maker with Egg Cooker Ring is a great idea for anyone that likes hot sandwiches. It makes perfect English muffins and croissants. No matter if it’s a birthday celebration, a White Elephant exchange, or Father’s Day, the Breakfast Sandwich Maker proves to be an exceptional gift suitable for any occasion. Whether for Dads, grads, busy
Christmas Gifts – Get The Best Christmas Gift Ideas
Finding Christmas gifts for people can be hard, so this guide is here to help you get Christmas gift ideas for people of all ages. You can also submit Christmas gift ideas with us here. Christmas gifts are not always easy to settle on, because they are taken so many different ways. Therefore, finding the right Christmas gifts to buy
Clothing For Cool People That Like Good Clothes
Stress levels are high all over the world right now so we want to share some cool clothing. People that dig fashion and looking cool are going to love the clothing we have here. There is no doubt. Rumors are that the clothing in this gift guide can save relationships. Just think about how much cooler you or whoever you’re
Gift Ideas For Pets & Pet Owners
SPN has a lot of pet loves, owners, and friends! So whether you have a dog, cat, fish, reptile, horses, or an amphibian, these gifts for pets are perfect. This pet owner gift guide has all kinds of ideas. There are gift ideas for all types of pet owners. The idea is to provide great gift ideas for pet owners
Crock-Pot Lunch Crock Food Warmer – Great Gift Ideas
Previous Next Crock-Pot 24-Ounce Lunch Crock Food Warmer, Deluxe Edition, Red…$34.99 on Amazon Everyone knows that Crock-Pot is the master of slow cooking. Now, Crock-Pot is also teaching us how to improve the taste of your lunches with slow warming. The Lunch Crock is made for the people on the go, so it has a cordless travel
Bedsure Satin Pillowcase
The Bedsure Satin Pillowcase is a best-seller on Amazon with over 300k mostly positive reviews, so you can feel confident buying it as a great gift for her. These pillowcases also join the silk suit pajamas on the list of great gifts for men ! SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more .
#live20: Experiencing a Focused Life – Book Review
#live20: Experiencing a Focused Life by Luke Williams In #Live20: Experiencing a Focused Life, Luke gives a lot of great tips to help people structure their time. It took me a while to get through the book because I am not a person that likes structure or routine. However, I did get through the book and have to admit that I
Things I Need To Write Down
Things I Need To Write Down Because I’m Old And I Forget Stuff is a geat book slash gag gift for older people. It’s a great gift idea for friends and family. You know it makes my list of gifts for older men . SPN is reader-supported, and some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . hings
Aquatic Art By Stoltz Design Of Chicagoland – Support Great Art
Check out the aquatic art by Stoltz design on Amazon, so you can see their complete art catalog. Stoltz Design specializes in the unique deepsea diver and nautical theme style prints. They love old diver helmets, odd things, and vintage aquatic. They always seem to find the best oddities and curiosities for their aquatic artwork. Their art can inspire anyone
Delete My Browser History Medical Alert Bracelet – Great Gift Ideas
CHECK IT OUT The SPN gift guides have a lot of great gifts, but few save lives like “Delete My Browser History Medical Alert Bracelet.” That was a joke, but this is enough truth in that last line to make this a great gift for men. Product description: “Delete My Browser History Medical Alert Bracelet” This gag gift is engraved with “Delete
ROGER UP – Book Review
CHECK IT OUT This book review on ROGER UP: THE MISSION READY BLUEPRINT TO CRUSH THE MORNING, OWN THE DAY, AND BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOU. I went to the same grade and high schools with Brent Magnussen , the author, though he was a few years older. Brent and I share a strong hate for cancer as well
Qifutan Car Phone Holder Mount
The Qifutan Car Phone Holder Mount is a best seller on Amazon for a reason. I’ve tried many different phone mounts over the years and I like this one the most. This phone mount has a spot on life of best car accessories every road warrior must have . SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a
Veg Grow Tent 2 By 4 – Are Grow Tents Worth It?
PreviousNext Are grow tents worth it? My jaw hit the floor when my buddy asked about it. Don’t get me wrong, you can get some great smoke from local weed dispensaries. However, I love growing my own marijuana when I am able to do so. I told my buddy to get over
Neosmuk Super Strong Magnets For Home
The Neosmuk Super Strong Magnets are a great gift idea for anyone that dislikes hanging things with tape. These super strong magnets by Neosmuk are safe for the home and office. Check out the Neosmuk Super Strong Magnets because they’re great for the home or office. Hang tools, pictures, and more with the Neosmuk Magnets. Join SPN too! SPN is reader
Come On Over Cookbook
Come On Over: 111 Fantastic Recipes for the Family That Cooks, Eats, and Laughs Together I was watching the Rachael Ray show today and I saw Jeff Mauro on there. It was easy to go over to Amazon to buy a copy of Come On Over: 111 Fantastic Recipes for the Family That Cooks, Eats, and Laughs Together! I’m really
Canadian Gag Gifts: Great Gift Ideas For Canadians
Get great Canadian gag gifts through SPN’s gift guide for people that love Canada. There are a lot of SPN members in Canada, so we put this list of Canadian gag gifts… Gift Ideas For Canadians Canadian Flag Shorts Apron Canadian Flag Shorts Apron. Gifts for Canadians…buy it on Amazon! Wearable Snow Sled Legs Check out how cool these snow
Wooden Pirate Treasure Chest
This Wooden Pirate Treasure Chest is a great addition to any man-cave. It’s also a great gift for kids or men that have some loot to store in a safe place. What makes the perfect wood pirate treasure chest? This wood pirate treasure chest is perfect because of its durability and ability to fit into a variety of settings with
All 50 Marvel Movies Rankings
The Service Professionals Network ranks all 50 Marvel Movies from worse to first. See if you agree with all 50 Marvel Movies SPN Rankings. Please feel free to also share your thoughts on the Marvel Movies and their ranks in the comments. Marvel Movies Rankings These Marvel Movie Rankings are opinions of some people in the Service Professionals Network, so
Jewelry Everyone Loves – Great Jewelry Gift Ideas
The SPN project shares jewelry that smart people like to help others because every sale helps charity. It doesn’t cost anything extra to buy jewelry through SPN and you will also do some good too! Please free to contact SPN to let us know about other jewelry gift ideas to include. These jewelry gift ideas can help you get a
Nordic Ware Oven Safe Nonstick Baking & Cooling Grid
Previous Next Do you love to eat bacon and good chicken, but also feel the need to cut the grease and hassle? These Nordic Ware baking and cooling grids are great! You’ll most likely love them as much as I do. You simply put the bacon or breaded chicken in the oven let the heat do
Frickin’ Cricket Hidden Annoying Chirping Joke For Office
CHECK IT OUT The Frickin’ Cricket Hidden Annoying Chirping Joke for the home and office is a cruel prank. It’s also funny as hell. If you have the kind of work environment that encourages pranks this is a can’t miss barrel of laughs. This is the type of prank that takes people a while to get over. It
The Human Slingshot – Great Gift Idea For Teens
Previous Next The Human Slingshot takes chest-bumping, rassling, and roughhousing with your friends to the next level. If you have friends or enemies Chest bumps, head butts, and sharp kicks to the shins unite! The Human Slingshot is here to bring new meaning to the lead-in, “Guess who I ran into the other day?” The human-sized stretchable
Thor’s Hammer Meat Tenderizer
Previous Next Ever felt like you could really use the Power of Thor to pound your meat? Thor’s Hammer Meat Tenderizer is the solution that you have been looking for! The handle is loosely stylized to resemble the one on Thor’s hammer and it also has the famous inscription: “Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess, the
Acupressure Foot Massage Slippers
Check out these Acupressure Foot Massage Slippers because they relief muscle fatigue, sciatica, heel, and lower back pain. These slippers make my list of great gift ideas for older men , because they’re are poised to become my preferred footwear. They offer a level of comfort surpassing even the orthopedic options in his assortment. By leveraging the principles of acupressure,
Trejo’s Tacos: Recipes and Stories from L.A. Cookbook
Trejo’s Tacos: Recipes and Stories from L.A.: A Cookbook is a success because Danny Trejo , actor, shares 75 recipes for his famous tacos, donuts, and more. Trejo’s Tacos has five locations in California. SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . Trejo’s Tacos: Recipes and Stories from L.A.: (Cookbook) Long before he
Workaholics Bear Coat – As Seen On TV
Workaholics Bear Coat Official Workaholics Bear Coat Workaholics Bear Coat Previous Next CHECK IT OUT This Workaholics Bear Coat is an exact replica of the bear coat Blake wears on the show! It’s also a great gift for any fun-loving guy that wants to get his picture taken everywhere he goes! The bear coat is a great gift idea for men
Get The Hint Note Tags: Loud & Clear (NSFW)
NPW-USA-USA Loud and Clear Get the Hint Sticky Note Tags Get The Hint Sticky Notes Want to save time writing responses to Home & Office notes? These notes will save you time while also helping them get the hint. Buy the get hint note tags on Amazon.
Beer Gifts – Great Gift Ideas For Beer Lovers
The beer gifts in this beer gift guide are perfect for anyone that really loves their beer. There are all types of beer gifts in this guide that any avid drinker will love. There are gifts that perfect for every beer lover from great beer to cool beer bottle openers to beer-themed clothing. Check out these beer gifts to make
The Pregnancy Pillow – Maternity Pillow for Pregnant Women
CHECK IT OUT The Pregnancy Pillow is great for anyone, especially pregnant women looking to get some sleep. If you can’t sleep then you need to grab yourself the Pregnancy Pillow. This 100% hypoallergenic pillow features a “C” design so you can get comfortable in a number of different ways. It won’t even matter what position you need to sleep
8-Person Island Raft – Great Beach Stuff
CHECK IT OUT Tropical Tahiti The Tropical Tahiti‘s floating island rafts are great for any beach occasion. They’re perfect for fun with the family or having a crazy party on the water. They have loungers and wading pools. You can also use the built-in coolers to keep your beverages and food cold while you soak up the sun. Spilling drinks
How To Submit Products For Review – Build Your Brand
Submit products for review Learn how to submit products for publication in our review sections. We are always glad to check out new products to help spread the word of mouth. Get reviews on SPN to help spread the news about your products. Getting product reviews also help with SEO, branding, and direect sales. Let us know that you want
Camping Cube Tent
SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . Camping Cube Tent Check out this camping cube tent, if you’re thinking about go with the family. You can use this as a canopy or a shelter, which you can set up in seconds. Use the canopy and attach a 10′ x 10′ shelter when you
P Is For Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever – Great Kids Books
Want your kids to be smarter than your nieces and nephews? Get your sibling’s kids “The Worst Alphabet Book Ever Made.” This book is a fun way to teach kids about the “mischievous words” that don’t adhere to the rules of phonetics and spelling. Let’s be honest- the English language doesn’t always make sense. Gnome is a word that shouldn’t
Largemouth Bass Slippers – Perfect Shoes For Fishing
CHECK THEM OUT These Largemouth Bass Slippers tell people to take you seriously so you know I love them. They’re definitely a great gift idea for shoe lovers and women that like fishing. These plastic-looking house shoes are made of EVA material. The makers claim that they’re very comfortable while also offering serious foot protection. I like them because these
Safety Light Curtains – Security Sensors & Alarm
CHECK IT OUT These Safety Light Curtains with Security Sensors & Alarms have many practical uses. In today’s world, it might also be a good way to let someone know they’re not doing a good job with social distancing. Sure, it was made to protect doors and windows for residential use and safety for industrial use. However, desperate times call
Kicko 3-Inch Air Horn – Small Emergency Horn
The Kicko 3-inch air horn makes our list of great gifts for women. It’s also a great gift idea for kids and teens due to it being a very loud whistle. This little air horn is great for sporting events, pulling pranks, and potentially saving lives. The Kicko 3-inch air horn is very loud and easy to use so it is
The World’s Softest Blanket – Sleep Better With Comfy Blankets
World’s softest blanket is the vote we are giving you here. Our house has a ton of blankets everywhere because no one can agree on the best room temp. We also all go from hot to cold in seconds apparently. Therefore, we have a variety of blankets ranging in thickness and everything else. The one thing we all agree on
ChopFit Chopper Functional Trainer
Watch the videos to see why the ChopFit Chopper Functional Trainer makes our list of best gifts for athletes! Take a good look at the ChopFit’s Chopper demo model! He looks like he is one cape and black face paint away from being Batman! You would have to swing this axe-shaped fitness tool a whole bunch to look like
Mobile Alarm Clock – Gift Ideas For Her
Previous Next This mobile alarm clock is so perfect for anyone that has trouble waking up in the morning. It is a perfect alarm clock because it’s on wheels! This thing starts moving as soon as the alarm goes off so you have to get up to turn it off. It will drive all over
Baby Registry – Create Your Amazon Baby Registry Through SPN
Amazon gives us $3 when you create a Baby Registry at through SPN. It’s a way for SPN to raise funds so we can provide this free social media site. The bounty will not affect the price of anything on your baby registry in anyway. We appreciate your help and encourage you to create a free SPN profile so
Bedsure Orthopedic Dog Bed for Medium Dogs
The Bedsure Orthopedic Dog Bed for Medium Dogs is perfect for my little buddy. Thousands of people have bought it with mostly positive reviews and I agree with them. SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . Bedsure Orthopedic Dog Bed for Medium Dogs – Waterproof Dog Sofa Beds Medium, Supportive Foam Pet
Octane Turbo XL700 Triple Recliner
CHECK IT OUT The Octane Turbo XL700 is a perfect gift for any man cave, but it’s also a great gift for women too. This is some quality furniture for $1,947.00 on Amazon so make sure you like whoever you’re buying it for. The Octane Seating Turbo XL700 Triple Recliner sure does take “Netflix & Chill” to a new level.
Exfoliating Soap Saver Pouch
The Exfoliating Soap Saver Pouch is a great gift for older men that wants to look excellent and get every bit out of every bar of soap. SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . Exfoliating Soap Saver Pouch The Exfoliating Soap Saver Pouch is a great gift for older men that wants
GameStop Gift Card
The GameStop Gift Card option is always an awesome and safe bet, when you have to buy gifts for gamers. It ranks even better as gifts for kids and teens that like to play video games. These gift cards are redeemable at US GameStop, EB Games, Babbage’s, Electronic Boutique, EBX, Planet X, and Software Etc. stores. There are over 6,100 of
Wearable Snow Sled Legs
Take sledding to the next level of fun by hitting the slopes with sled legs. You will be able to hit the slopes running…literally running at top speed. What could go wrong? I know that I’m buying some next year for Christmas gifts. I’m going to tell the kids to simply take a few running steps and slide down the
Underbust Sweat Absorbers – Don’t Sweat-It Bra Liners CHECK IT OUT These Underbust Sweat Absorbers will help stay more comfortable and dry when the heat is up. Belly Bandit Don’t Sweat-It Bra Liners are the perfect underbust sweat absorbers that your lady friends have been dying for. Get a few today for your women. These underbust sweat absorbers also make our best gifts for women guide. You
Bwine F7 GPS Drones with Camera for Adults 4K Night Vision
The Bwine F7 GPS Drones with Camera for Adults 4K Night Vision makes a great Christmas gift for any photographer . Drone has 2 mile long range. The Federal Aviation Administration requires registration of many drones flown in the US, for hobby or commercial purposes. To learn more about drone registration requirements, visit the Federal Aviation Administration’s drone page
Sobro Smart Side Table – Office & Man-Cave Furniture
CHECK IT OUT The Sobro Smart Side Table is a great addition to any office. It’s even cooler when you already have the Sobro Cooler Coffee Table. This little piece of innovation and design genius sits perfectly at the end of any couch. It will also work well on the side of your bed. Do
SteriShoe UV Shoe Sanitizer – Shoe Lovers Gift Idea
The SteriShoe UV Shoe Sanitizer is for people that realize you can’t be too safe nowadays. The truth is..your feet stink. Most of us have stinky shoes so don’t feel bad. However, you can also get the SteriShoe UV Shoe Sanitizer to do something about it now. There is no excuse for
Wolverine Style Hand Claw Dagger
Check out the Skull & Bones Gauntlet Style Hand Claw (Limited Edition), if you like Wolverine and martial arts weapons. This unique gauntlet makes the list of great gifts for geeks . Wolverine Style Hand Claw Dagger. Wolverine Style Hand Claw Dagger Skull & Bones Gauntlet Style Hand Claw (Limited Edition) – Wolverine Claws The Wolverine-style claw presents a mysterious
Levi’s Men’s and Women’s Apparel
Check out Levi’s Men’s and Women’s Apparel line on Amazon to stay on top of the latest fashion trends. Use the links here to help SPN provide their free services. When you buy clothing through Amazon links on SPN, a small percentage of each sale helps keep this free networking site online. Don’t forget to check SPN when searching for
TouchMe – MIDI Controller
The TouchMe – MIDI Controller is a great gift idea for the man-cave and teens . TouchMe is the perfect way to learn about music, creativity, and invention. It’s also a lot of fun! TouchMe | MIDI Controller | The musical instrument that turns skin, water, or flowers into sound | Play with friends or alone. As the area of
Boxing Speed Ball
Previous Next This Boxing Speed Ball Training Equipment is a great tool for quickness as well as hand-eye coordination. It’s a super great way to vent your frustration if you’re good at it! If you’re like me then it’s also a great way to get some more frustration. This thing doesn’t do the work
Relaxation Waterfall Fountain
Previous Next This is a relaxation waterfall fountain that brings the zen to any stressful home & office work area. The sound of the water is so helpful, no matter how crazy the day is. Silver Springs Relaxation Waterfall Fountain Details Decorative and soothing: EnviraScape’s Silver Springs Relaxation Fountain brings a Zen-feel to any room. It’s the
Before She Disappeared & One Step Too Far Book Review By Tina Oliver
“I’m not a police officer. I’m not a private investigator. I have no special skills or training. I’m only me. An average, middle-aged white woman with more regrets than belongings, more sad stories than happy ones.” ― Lisa Gardner, Before She Disappeared Frankie Elkin is a recovering alcoholic. I imagine at first glance you might see a woman with sagging
Samsung Curved 49-Inch Gaming Monitor
Previous Next The Samsung CHG90 curved 49-inch gaming monitor is so cool it’s the perfect gift for gamers. It’s also a reason why you may never see them again. People that don’t even like gaming maybe gone for good if they play a few video games on this TV. This ultra-wide QLED monitor
Work Sharp Rolling Knife Sharpener
Check out the Work Sharp Rolling Knife Sharpener because it makes my list of great gifts for men. It’s a must have in any kitchen because sharp knives cut best. Play Video Click to see more videos 2 VIDEOS Work Sharp Rolling Knife Sharpener with 4 sharpening angles for all chef and kitchen knives. Buy it online now through our
The Ultimate LinkedIn Profile (Book)
The Ultimate LinkedIn Profile: Get the EXACT words, phrases and formatting hacks that turn your LinkedIn Profile into a lead-generating, client-attracting piece of content! Get a copy on Amazon through our affiliate marketing link. The Ultimate LinkedIn Profile (Book) The Ultimate LinkedIn Profile: Get the EXACT words, phrases and formatting hacks that turn your LinkedIn Profile into a lead-generating, client-attracting
Fashion Gift Ideas – Great Gifts For Fashion Lovers
Your Fashionable friends may not appreciate these fashion gift ideas and other wearables unless they have a sense of humor. SPN is here to help you find the perfect gift for the fashion lovers you kind of like. These fashion gift ideas are definitely in fashion if you also happen to like our Gifts for Geeks page. Those nerds will