Minimalize to Maximize Your Happiness: Cut the Crap – Book Review
This book reviews on<a href=httpsamznto2KWw44U>Minimalize to Maximize Your Happiness Cut The Crap<a> by <a href=httpsserviceprofessionalsnetworkcommembersjbmeltonprofile>Jake Melton<a> are not paid endorsements and both reviewers did <a href=httpsamznto2KWw44U>buy the book on Amazon<a> caption id=attachment 11447 align=alignright width=150<a href=httpsserviceprofessionalsnetworkcommembersleonardgoffeprofile><img class=wp image 11447 size thumbnail src=httpsserviceprofessionalsnetworkcomwp contentuploads201812Leonard Goffe 150x150jpg alt=Connect with Leonard Goffe width=150 height=150><a> <a href=httpsserviceprofessionalsnetworkcommembersleonardgoffeprofile>Leonard Goffe<a>s review of <a href=httpsamznto2QALXmL>Minimalize to Maximize Your Happiness Cut the Crap by Jake Melton<a>caption <h2>Leonards take on Minimalize to Maximize Your Happiness Cut The Crap<h2> When most people think of minimalism they think of a beanie wearing hipster sitting in a studio apartment surrounded by blank walls who wears the same thing every day In short many people think of minimalism as isolation from the real world Mr Melton however uses the concept of minimalism the way it was supposed to be Not as a trend but as a process <blockquote>isolate yourself from society and dress like Steve Jobs in order to become successful and happy However you do need to make difficult choices<blockquote> <span style=color <a href=httpsserviceprofessionalsnetworkcoms=231a1a1a rel=nofollow class=hashtag id=1a1a1a>1a1a1a<a> font size 16px>In his book the author discusses how over their lifetimes many people collect both things and just as importantly emotions behaviors and relationships which they dont really need and thus become a burden Their closet and storage units become so overwhelming and so over packed that they can not really get to the things they need to move forward<span> <span style=color <a href=httpsserviceprofessionalsnetworkcoms=231a1a1a rel=nofollow class=hashtag id=1a1a1a>1a1a1a<a> font size 16px>In his book the author discusses how over their lifetimes many people collect both things and just as importantly emotions behaviors and relationships which they dont really need and thus become a burden Their closet and storage units become so overwhelming and so over packed that they can not really get to the things they need to move forward<span> <blockquote>Cut out what you dont need so you can get to what you truly need<blockquote> In this book you will learn why you need to get rid of things you no longer need or that are hindering your progress Youll also be given the thought process to be aware of what you no longer need This applies not just to physical items but also to emotions as well as your behavior patterns If you wish to truly be happy you need to focus and what is most important to your journey and discard as much as you can If you are still looking to finally achieve what you think is most important this short book may be just the starting point you are looking for <p style=text align center><a href=httpsamznto2KWw44U>Buy the book on Amazon<a> <p> <h2>Mikes thoughts on <span id=ebooksProductTitle class=a size extra large>Minimalize to Maximize Your Happiness<span><h2> caption id=attachment 11449 align=alignright width=150<a href=httpsserviceprofessionalsnetworkcommembersspnlocal2017><img class=wp image 11449 size thumbnail src=httpsserviceprofessionalsnetworkcomwp contentuploads201812Cut the crap 150x150jpg alt= width=150 height=150><a> <a href=httpsserviceprofessionalsnetworkcommembersspnlocal2017>Mike OConnor<a>s review of <a href=httpsamznto2QALXmL>Minimalize to Maximize Your Happiness Cut the Crap by Jake Melton<a>caption I think the book makes a couple of great points It also tells a couple of real world stories that anyone can relate to A lot of people tend to cling to things for no real reason We all have done in it some way shape or form This book highlights the things we carry with us that we really dont need Im a big fan of learning new perspectives I also like to learn a little bit about how people think so this was an interesting read for me Jake does a great job of listing several things in the book that most of us can take action on This book will make you think about what you need and dont in your life I really enjoy the thoughts on cutting ties with relationships that are one way Most of us tend to waste a lot of time on toxic relationships or people that only think of themselves Learning that lesson early will let you maximize your happiness Any book that makes you think and you enjoy reading is a good book so two thumbs up <a href=httpsserviceprofessionalsnetworkcommembersjbmeltonprofile>Jake Melton<a> is an SPN member and was also our <a href=httpsserviceprofessionalsnetworkcomjake melton>first SPN member of the week<a> <h2>Here are some other book reviews you may want to read<h2> elementor template id=78334 elementor template id=48400