Tyler Mann to Mike O'Connor 2 years ago ·
I’m curious, what do people want SPN to be?
Many people on LinkedIn are worried that is becoming Facebook. I see this as an identity question about each social network
So what do you see as the identity of SPN?
@spnlocal – would of course love your thoughts, but curious how others see it
Mike O'Connor-
It’s not up to me, just like it’s not really up to LinkedIn. It’s up to the users to play within the terms and conditions of the website. I tend to look the other way on most stuff, if it’s not harming other members or the site.
This site, like LinkedIn, is ultimately a social media website. Therefore, as people begin to use and become social, the culture of the site will take form.
Personally, I hope this site provides a different type of value to each individual user. I look at it as my job to give people a space to more or less do what they want.
If people want to use this site to do business, I’ll encourage it.
If people want to use this site to just have fun, I’ll encourage it.
I encourage free speech and debates too. It would be nice if everyone followed the golden rule, but I’m pragmatic. I also believe that debate and freedom of speech are essential for any healthy society, whether on a local or global scale.
Thanks for asking such a great question, @tr08mann!