Ilya Podgainyi
Want to be successful?
Here are some #success tips:
Be more afraid of stagnation than change.
Reset your mind and your focus as much as you need.
Don’t ruminate on bad days, mistakes, or all the dumb crap you do.
Make sure to remember every day that life is temporary, so you better get your butt in gear.
Never think you’re alone. You’re never…
Thanks for the tips, Mike!
Mike O'Connor posted an update 5 weeks ago ·
My advice can definitely change your life 💯🤣
Mike O'Connor posted an update 3 weeks ago ·
I don’t fight people on anything and I don’t ignore red flags.
I just take notes and move on with life.
if you want to live a happy and healthy life, you have to enforce your boundaries. Don’t give negative energy any power over you.
I follow the golden rule and don’t spend much time with people that don’t. 🤷
I hope this…
Mike O'Connor posted an update 9 hours ago ·
Mike O'Connor posted an update 2 months ago ·
Don’t let anyone discourage you with their negativity.
Take control of the power they seek to take from you and use it to build you a better life. 💯
#positivityiskey #positivevibesonly #socialmedia #life
Mike O'Connor posted an update 2 months ago ·
Don’t let people get you down or pass their crap onto your plate.
life is short and less fun with surrounded the wrong people.
Set your boundaries and find your tribe.
It’s tough to be a positive person when you allow negative people to tug you down instead of being around positive people who lift you up.
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