counseling supportservices
Profile Information
Name | counseling |
Last Name | supportservices |
Nickname | CSS |
Phone | |
Location | 97 Apple St. Suite-3 Tinton Falls, NJ 07724 |
Motto/Tagline | Professional Counseling Support Services |
Birthday | August 18, 1997 |
About Me | Counseling Support Services, LLC was established in 2013 to make a difference in the lives of children and families adversely impacted by traumatic life experiences and other behavior and mental health concerns. A commitment to provide high-quality culturally responsive clinical support services in a safe, and healing environment to individuals and families with behavior and mental health care wellness services needs.
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YouTube | |
Website | |
Role | A commitment to provide high-quality culturally responsive clinical support services in a safe, and healing environment to individuals and families with behavior and mental health care wellness services needs.