Profile Information


Craig Fry





About Me

Owner and CEO of  Also known as “The Pin Guy”.  CPA to PIN seller – who would have thought.

When people ask what I do for a living, my response is usually met with a puzzled look. They struggle to comprehend custom pins let alone making custom pins for a living.  I explain, you know those little things you wear on your suit lapel.  And the light goes on.

Custom pins are powerful, meant to promote your emotions, passions and stories.

But it’s not the pin that is powerful, it is your story.  The pin just triggers you to remember the story or prompt the telling of the story.

My passion is helping you create a custom pin that connects your story to your pin.  Believe me, the combination of story and pin will motivate people to unify, to support, and do great things because of the emotional connection.

So, how did I get here?

I began about 25+ years ago as a CPA, working for KPMG a large international accounting firm. After 5 years in public accounting, I had served my time, gained valuable experience, and was ready for a change.

I took a position as controller at a small company named SymbolArts which specialized in law enforcement insignia.  I progressed from controller to COO and along the way helped grow the company to prosperity.

CPA to pin seller wasn’t exactly a traditional career trajectory, but it suited me on the way to realizing my dream of owning my own business.

In 2008, I left all security behind and walked away with a small division of SymbolArts, known as PinPros.  Back then, I was the order processor, the shipper, the salesman and everything in between. Years later, PinPros has grown, makes happy customers all over the world, and is now known as PinProsPlus.

My passion is to bring your story to life through perfectly designed custom enamel pins that promote you, your company, your team, your organization, your people, your lifestyle, or your cause.

A little pin makes a big impression.





