Chehad Nourai
Another beautiful place in Slovenia. Thank you again Katja for the warm welcome in the group.
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[bpfb_link url=’https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-charter-private-plane-basics-chehad-nourai/’ title=’How to charter a private plane- Basics ‘ image=’https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D12AQEKP0aipTeqCw/article-cover_image-shrink_720_1280/0/1525493048629?e=1642636800&v=beta&t=NhK8I2jxVp7-jsmGQKRjTWzxBMuQ0dKu5AR5SrX2ffM’]So you… Read more
Chehad Nourai posted a new post. 3 years ago
Travel CoordinatorOur company is looking for people to work from anywhere in the U.S. Online/remote work. Part & or Full time. Training provided, including for required…