Brandon Taft
Brandon Taft posted an update 6 years ago ·
One of the best movements to target your chest muscles is the dumbell chest fly. This movement is a great chest exercise because it is taking your chest through a full range of motion allowing the pectoral muscles to get a full stretch and full contraction. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind when doing this chest exercise with… Read more
Brandon Taft posted an update 5 years ago
Want to try a different technique you may have never used to spice up your gym routine?? Give this a shot!
If you find value in this video it would mean the world to me if you liked and subscribed to my fitness channel.
Stretching is a very important part of physical fitness. It helps prevent injuries, increases strength, and overall helps you move and feel better. These are four stretches I recommend doing every single day.
I recommend holding stretches for at least 20 seconds but you can hold them for as long… Read more
Thanks for sharing these tips!
Brandon Taft posted an update 5 years ago ·
Check out my new youtube video on Dropsets! If you never have included this in your training you are missing out!
Subscribe to the channel and leave a comment below the video on some more topics you’d find helpful.
Good to see you back on here, Brandon! I engaged on YouTube and look forward to doing some drop sets in the morning with @captnamerca!
A common issue people experience with doing lunges is knee pain. Fixing knee pain in this exercise luckily is easy to do. Here are some pointers.
1) Make sure your shin is vertical- If your shin angle is too severe it puts a lot of pressure on your knee cap.
2) Make sure your knee is in line with your foot- If your knee goes to the inside… Read more
How to do the Lat Pulldown
The lat pulldown is an exercise that you see done wrong all the time. From ego lifters loading the weight up just swinging it down to people just pulling with their biceps instead of their back. Watch… Read more
Awesome! Things to watch and learn! Not to mention share! ;) Writing a blog on fitness to highlight you and @eriknextlevel tomorrow.
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Hey everybody! Today’s blog post is going to be about how to properly benchpress.
The Benchpress
Why: This exercise is one of the best upper body exercises. You should perform this movement because it works out your shoulders, chest, and triceps all at once. Working all of these muscles… Read more