Lazy Coworker Meme Hunter
We all have the lazy coworker meme hunter that is sharing work memes rather than working, right? It could just be me, but coworker memes are popular for a reason.
I made SPN to help connect members around the world, but I’m also addicted to memes. Therefore, I am inviting you to join SPN and share your memes in the activity feed.
If you really think about quitting fives times a day, you might want to up your LinkedIn networking. You can also post your resume in the feed or your profile.
It's a vicious cycle
Most of us have been there at some point. This site is free though, and we always have some positive vibes and great music to enjoy, so join us and the fun!
I got skills
Have you ever really lived, if you haven’t tried to get a job you were vastly underqualified for?
Be nicer to people at work
It’s not always easy to be nice, but it’s generally worth it.
I mean, you can kind of just scroll around awhile, and you’ll see this is spot on.
Ready to go to work
Yea, this one isn’t relatable to me, but it’s goofy.
Must be exhausting
Most of us can relate to this one too!
A busy day indeed
Collecting memes is hard work too.
The silent drive home speaks volumes
I had a day like this and made serious life changes.Â
You're still going to work, right?
Your job will fill your role before your coworkers will know you’re gone. Make sure to take care of yourself.
Getting email from your favorite coworker
Emails always seem better when they’re not work or extended warranty related.
We all know this feeling
The Friends episode where Rachel was actually very relatable.
They heard it through the grapevine
This one is interesting, because you have to really hate your job to show up at all.Â
Hate can build the best of friendships
The king who is situated anywhere immediately on the circumference of the conqueror’s territory is termed the enemy.
The king who is likewise situated close to the enemy, but separated from the conqueror only by the enemy, is termed the friend (of the conqueror).
Nothing too crazy
We just need 100 million more members and we are all good.
OSHA Violations
OSHA violations are no laughing matter, unless you’re immature like me. Check out some quality OSHA violations in this Construction Fails group.
Can't get any other jobs
Just one of many reasons why I made this site.
Another early riser
This one is definitely more relatable the older that I get.
Do it all again tomorrow
It is definitely time to start taking your LinkedIn networking more seriously, if you feel this way.
Every workplace team
They say good help is hard to find because this is true for a lot of places.
Tax returns
I know a lot of people that quit after getting a big tax return.
I work from home and feel this way at times
The sad part is that I work from home. I do have a lot of cool stuff for the home office though.
Working under pressure
I’m actually pretty good at working under a little pressure.
We're coworkers
Being quiet at work has advantages.
Some of these are hilarious…and I stole them.
Good memes.