Finding the Balance in Job Searching

Finding the Balance in Job Searching: On To Do Side: Set Limits, Change Up Workspace, Take Breaks, On Don't Do Side: Get Lost in the Details, Produce Less in More Time, Go Without Pause

Here are five ways to keep you going during your job search, prevent burnout and get you to the finish line; HIRED!

Set Limits

Setting limits creates balance and increases your chances of success. Start by blocking off your time. Limits help you to keep the whole picture in mind rather than getting lost in the details. Setting limits encourages you to manage your time wisely, which is a great skill to practice and add to your resume.

Break Your Job Search Into Small Parts

When you break down your job search into small parts, you can produce more in a shorter amount of time. Break your efforts into minutes, hours, or days. For example, look for jobs and save them on Monday, tailor your resume, and write complementing cover letters on Tuesday, etc. Doing it this way helps to keep you organized. 

Change Up Your Workspace

Give yourself a new workspace. Go to your favorite café or library, or utilize your patio space. A change of scenery can ignite a spark to change your approach to your job search. The key is to find what puts you in a creative and productive mode.

Find Things That Give You Joy

Following the previous point, practice often what fills your energy cup. When you’re “on” without pause and renewal, you can burnout and produce less than required, leaving you feeling unaccomplished. When you practice the things you enjoy, you keep your mind sharp and in a healthy place to keep going, even when you receive undesirable responses during your job search.

Take Breaks

Lastly, take breaks! Taking breaks allows your brain to recharge and refocus. Job searching can be a weary task, with a lot of work on the front end. Drinking water and going for a walk are things that can stimulate your mind and body, helping you to work and think clearly.

Blog Credit:  Charis Gotzmann is a Freelance Content Creator with a passion for helping clients turn ideas and thoughts into authentic, relatable copy that resonates with their audience.

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