Don’t Forget To Water Your Grass Daily

Don't Forget To Water YOur Grass

Are you looking for the greener grass?

It seems like people forget to water their own grass while comparing their yard to those living on astroturf.

Very often we see what people want us to see in today’s social media world and little us. It’s easy for us to see what people put in their blog or present via their YouTube channel. Most of the time people are not showing the struggles from their day to day lives. All of us struggle with something at some time in our lives. Don’t struggle with keeping up with the Jones, Smiths, or Kardashian types on social media.

Don't Forget To Water YOur Grass
“Too many people are thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, when they ought to just water the grass they are standing on.” – Amar Dave

There has been a lot of studies about social media and mental health due to the way the internet has taken over so much of our daily lives. I’m not writing this blog to tell you to unplug or to rant about the negative affects social media can have on our mental health.

I just want to remind you to that the grass truly is green where you water it, so get out in the great outdoors and soak in some positive vibes whenever you can. 

Do you have FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)?

It seems like the more the internet connects us to all that is going on in the world the easier it is to feel like you’re missing out on something big or exciting. I use to suffer from FOMO a lot as a kid, and I suppose that is pretty natural.

Do you know the best way to avoid the FOMO feeling?

If your answer was doing something fun or finding something more positive to fill your mind, you would be correct. I don’t just tell people to get outside or listen to some great music or read some great book suggestions for my own mental health. Nah, I just like to see people living their best life, and know we all need the reminder from time to time.

I hope you have a great day, and remember positive thinking is a key to a positive life!

Lately, I’ve been enjoying listening to the sounds of storms to help reset my thinking into something more positive. Check out this new favorite from YouTube:

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