This community code of conduct applies to all moderators of groups or forums on SPN. All of the SPN rules apply in groups and forums. Create a community on SPN now!
SPN’s mission is to help connect and empower people around the world by creating a positive and very helpful online community. Having good community moderators is a key to building a solid and helpful place for everyone.
We want to help everyone in the world build a strong online community that helps them accomplish whatever goals they may have, whether they’re professsional, social, educational, or pure entertainment.
This code of conduct is here for community modderators by helping to clarify our expectations while giving you ideas on how to establish your community. You can set the rules in your community as long as they are in line with the rules of SPN. We want to give you the power to create, build, and nurture your own online communities.
If you have any questions before making a community, let me know .
Roles of moderators on SPN
The roles of moderators on SPN are very important to everyone that is here to build a positive community experience. Moderators get a lot of visibility and can use their communities to do a lot in their professional and/or social networks. The catch is with being a moderator is a little extra responsibilty.
We want our moderators to feel safe, secure, and visible. If your community has been around awhile, you’re going to get some grace. Newer communities are going to be held to stricter standard.
Connect and network with other moderators to learn how they build their communities.
SPN community Moderators’ rules
We expect all moderators to enforce the SPN rules , content policy , as well as the terms and conditions of the site. Do not create a forum or group without reading and agreeing to all of the above. We do suspend accounts for violating rules or conditions.
Community Guidelines on SPN
If you try to follow the guidelines and rules of SPN, we will leave you alone. We will try to reach out to you with any issues via messaging here. Any strong breach of the rules, like posting porn, gambling, or escort related content, will result in immediate account suspension. If someone joins your community and breaks your rules, we will hold them responsible. However, we do expect moderators to keep a relatively clean community, because this is a professional networking site first.
Rule #1 Create, Facilitate, and Maintain a Stable Community
The role of moderator on SPN comes with a lot of perks, so we expect you to want to build a good community. Moderators are expected to follow the rules and work to build communities with positive engagement. Your role as moderator means you abide the terms and rules, and want to build a community that does too. This means that you should never create, approve, enable or encourage rule-breaking content or behavior. All content in your community must adhere to the rules and terms of SPN.
Rule 2: Set Appropriate and Reasonable Expectations In Your Community
No one should be surprised by what they find in your community. It is crucial that your rules and expectations are in clear order, so you can begin building a healthy community. Moderators can help set expectations by doing the following:
- Apply an appropriate title to your community
- Provide a clear and concise description of your community and topics within.
- No communities about gambling, the sex-trade, porn, or otherwise illegal content will be allowed.
- No communities that center around hating another group of individuals based on race, religion, or politics. Now, you can have communities that center around race, religion, or politics, but you can’t be hateful.
- Let people know what type of content to expect, particularly content that is graphic, sexually-explicit, or offensive. Remember, no porn or sex-trade related content on SPN, because that is immediate account suspension. No communities that promote gambling either.
- Create clear rules that outline the expectations you have for your community. Rules help build strong communities and let people know what they can and cannot do in your community.
- Explicitly marking your community as “unofficial” in the community description if the topic concerns a brand or company, but the community isn’t officially affiliated. We don’t want to get sued over your community and will respond accordingly.
Rule 3: Be Active and Engaged
We delete stagnant communities. If you don’t keep your community active and engaged, we will probably delete it. We might also give your community to someone else should you disappear. If you can’t keep up with your community, get another moderator to help you. Communities that are not following the rules wil be deleted.
Rule 4: Follow the golden rule and act with integrity
Now, this is a hard rule to enforce, but we try our best. If you’re on this site, we assume you are an adult that heard of the golden rule and understand what the word integrity means. We aren’t going to explain this rule too much. It’s pretty simple; we reserve the right to suspend or delete anyone or anything that puts other members at risk in any way. We want to have a good community too.
Rule 5: No SPAM communities
SPAM is always a challenge when building a large network like SPN. If you build a forum or group that is spammy in nature, expect us to suspend or delete your account. You can post just about whatever you want in the public activity feed , this shopping forum , or this group about shopping or this all things shopping related group or the Business Sharing Group . That is all the spammy communites we can handle here; share what you want in those communities (within the rules).
Thank you for wanting to be part of the Service Professionals Network!