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A smart businessperson knows your best salesperson should never be working for their business. That is because your best sales pitch will always come from
Win-Win Marketing & Networking: How To Network Online Successfully
If It’s A Win-Win It’s #SPN! Win-Win is a basic concept, so a lot of people are really starting to get it. In this blog,
Here’s How Black Hat SEO Kills Your Online Business
You’re spending your days working 9 to 5, then suddenly it hits you – you can have your own business. You start brainstorming, researching the
What Is A Guest Post? Learn About The Benefits
What is Guest Posting/Blogging? Guest posting or guest blogging refers to writing a blog or other content that gets published on someone else’s website. Writing
Improve your Website SEO without Spending a Fortune
Do your research No matter what you do, chances are good that someone has already done it before. A quick search on Google or another
How To Make Money Kicking Ass On Social Media
So you want to know how to make money kicking ass on social media? I don’t blame you, because most people use social media in
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Pull Start Fire – Pull String Firestarter – Great Camping Tool
Previous Next The Pull Start Fire – Pull String Firestarter is made for people really like fires, but aren’t so fond of the struggle building them. These things are less for sale on Amazon for $17.99, but they’re also priceless in a pinch. If you’re struggling to survive due to weather, losing your lighter, or whatever else these things can
Logosol Smart-Splitter | Faster & Safer Firewood Splitting
Previous Next Logosol Smart-Splitter for faster & safer firewood splitting The Logosol Smart-Splitter was made so it would be easier on your back, arms, and shoulders to chop wood into firelogs. It looks like it also does a good job from what you can see in the video. All you need to is have a piece of wood under the
Pathway to Profits: SPN Book Review
This book review on “Pathway to Profits: A Mr. Biz Guide to Running Your Business Like a Boss” is the second one that I’ve done for a book by Ken “Mr. Biz” Wentworth. You can also read the review on his first book, “How to Be a Cash Flow Pro: A Mr. Biz Guide to Crushing Business Owner Insomnia.” Pathway
PlayStation®5 Digital Edition (slim)
PlayStation®5 Digital Edition (slim) Front * Amazon affiliate link Playstation 5 Slim Console The PlayStation®5 Digital Edition (slim) is on every gamer’s Christmas Gifts list this year for sure! This is easily the best video game console that I have played on. It’s also completely digital. Therefore, you don’t have to go anywhere to buy games. You can download games
Tactical Tomahawk – Gift For Men CHECK THIS OUT Nothing says you’re serious like the Tactical Tomahawk! Send your enemies running or chop some wood in style. Its razor-sharp ax head, steel body, and built-in crowbar make this weapon a handy tool in many situations. The Tactical Tomahawk makes the list for best gifts for men that like the outdoors! It also makes the list
Christmas Gifts – Get The Best Christmas Gift Ideas
Finding Christmas gifts for people can be hard, so this guide is here to help you get Christmas gift ideas for people of all ages. You can also submit Christmas gift ideas with us here. Christmas gifts are not always easy to settle on, because they are taken so many different ways. Therefore, finding the right Christmas gifts to buy
Zero F’s Given Giftable Novelty Coins
Previous Next Grab some ZFG Inc. Zero F’s Given Giftable Novelty Coins on Amazon for just $24.99. If you’re going to flip a coin to make a decision then you truly Give very few Fs. It’s more than zero F’s given but not much more. Show the people that don’t care that you care about them by buying these ZFG
BALEAF Women’s High Waist Bikers-Yoga Shorts
I’m in love with the BALEAF Women’s High Waist Bikers-Yoga Shorts on Amazon ! These bikers shorts have pockets so you know I love them even more. Get a pair now! They make great gift ideas for women that love yoga, biking or an active life in general. SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission.
BedShelfie – The Original Bedside Shelf – Great Gift Ideas
Previous Next The BedShelfie – The Original Bedside Shelf is one of the reasons why I’m always broke. BedShelfie is a very catchy name and for less than a good dinner, it was an easy justification on my end. The thing is a minimalist dream, so it really can make all the SPN gift guides with ease. Think about how
Kitchen & Cooking Gift Ideas: Great Gifts For Cooks
There are a lot of cooks and grilling masters in SPN, so we made this list of kitchen & cooking gifts. Read our affiliate marketing disclosure so you understand why we list some of our favorite products here. When people buy things through our gift guides, they’re help SPN provide all the free services that we do. Therefore, we hope
Unf*ck Yourself By Gary John Bishop – Motivational Book Review
Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life Hardcover – August 1, 2017 by #0000ff;” href=”” data-asin=”B01M9F5EEN”>Gary John Bishop (Author) SPN Book Reviews #0000ff;” href=””>Jake Melton’s review: As a frequent self-help reader and author, the books I enjoy the most are those that tell it to me as it is. I am reading with the intention to
Gaiam Restore Finger Massager – Great Gift Ideas
Previous Next The Gaiam Restore Finger Massager is a gift that is perfect for anyone with stiffness, joint pain, and arthritis in their hands. It’s also on Amazon for just $9.98 with about 900 positive reviews. This finger massager is perfect for anyone with years of working on a computer. It’s also great for people with manual labor jobs as
Star Wars Gifts – Great Gift Ideas For Star Wars Fans
STAR WARS STAR WARS fans made it one of the biggest media franchises in history, so buying Star Wars Gifts for fans can be a good idea. Shop for STAR WARS stuff on Amazon using our links so we can keep the site going. Buying Star Wars toys, games, and memorabilia here helps us provide a lot of free. services.
Turbospoke Bicycle Exhaust System – Great Gift Ideas For Kids
Turbospoke Bicycle Exhaust System makes bikes look and sound like real motorcycles. The Turbospoke Bicycle Exhaust Systems comes with 3 durable Motocards that make 3 different motorcycle sounds each. A megaphone exhaust pipe gets louder and louder the faster you go on the bike. It is easy-to-assemble There are 15 custom decal stickers so the bike looks even cooler. RELATED PRODUCTS
Human Skull Fireplace Logs
There are few things that will make your guest warm and fuzzy like these Human Skull Fireplace Logs. They also made by the same stuff Nasa uses to make their shuttles so they withstand the heat. Each skull is durable and about 9.5 pounds so they won’t blow away or break on you. You’ll have the coolest outdoor firepit in
Medieval Knight’s Helmet Decanter Set
CHECK IT OUT The Medieval Knight’s Helmet Decanter Set is a great gift for the man-cave. It’s also a great way to store your favorite whiskey! The original Medieval Knight’s Helmet Decanter Set was a top seller in the 60s so we had one in our house. Maybe it’s the nostalgia, but I had to include this in the gift
Ghostbusters Ghost Trap Incense Burner
The Ghostbusters Ghost Trap Incense Burner makes our best gifts for geeks list, because we all know a nerd that still says “I ain’t afraid of no ghost!” We all know one. They usually are the nerds of the hippie incense burning variety too. I definitely won’t be afraid of a ghost that smells like Jasmine or sandalwood spice. The
The Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Guide – Book
The Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Guide: How to Use Digital and Social Selling to Turn LinkedIn into a Lead, Sales and Revenue Generating Machine written by Daniel Disney . Check out this book and other book reviews on SPN. Join the LinkedIn Networking Group to network with fellow SPN members on SPN! Follow me on LinkedIn here: Damon Pistulka! The Ultimate
Book Reviews – Members Share Reviews Of Their Favorite Books
Read what Service Professionals Network members have to say about all sorts of books in these SPN book reviews. Join SPN to submit book reviews. These SPN book reviews were done by SPN members, so feel free to join SPN and submit content. Check out these book reviews by SPN members SPN members are welcome to submit content including book
Camping Multitool Hatchet (Survival Gear)
Check out this Camping Multitool Hatchet (Survival Gear) that I found on Amazon. This camping multitoolhatchet does it all and is a great gift idea for camping. SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . Gifts for Dad Men Husband Him RoverTac Multitool Axe Camping Survival Gear 14-in-1 Axe Birthday Gifts for Dad Husband
R3BAR AlphaPro Strength & Conditioning Tool: Great Gift Ideas
CHECK IT OUT The R3BAR AlphaPro Exercise Strength & Conditioning Training Tool is great for Athletic Performance Enhancement. It is also a great way to improve your core stabilization, pre-habilitation, rehabilitation, therapeutic active recovery, and coordination. What is it – The R3BAR AlphaPro is a portable Exercise Training Tool designed for Athletic Performance Enhancement, Pre-habilitation, Rehabilitation, Therapeutic & Active Recovery
Workaholics Bear Coat – As Seen On TV
Workaholics Bear Coat Official Workaholics Bear Coat Workaholics Bear Coat Previous Next CHECK IT OUT This Workaholics Bear Coat is an exact replica of the bear coat Blake wears on the show! It’s also a great gift for any fun-loving guy that wants to get his picture taken everywhere he goes! The bear coat is a great gift idea for men
The World’s Softest Blanket – Sleep Better With Comfy Blankets
World’s softest blanket is the vote we are giving you here. Our house has a ton of blankets everywhere because no one can agree on the best room temp. We also all go from hot to cold in seconds apparently. Therefore, we have a variety of blankets ranging in thickness and everything else. The one thing we all agree on
SUPERRIDE Self-Balancing Electric Unicycle
Previous Next Check out the “SUPERRIDE Self Balancing Electric Unicycle S1000 – One Wheel Electric Scooter with Single Fat Tire & 1000W Motor” on Amazon for more details and ordering. The SUPERRIDE Self Balancing Electric Unicycle S1000, an electric unicycle that can be charged in less than an hour, can reach speeds of up to 20 miles per hour. SUPERRIDE
How to Drink Like a Writer
I need to get a copy of “How to Drink Like a Writer: Recipes for the Cocktails and Libations that Inspired 100 Literary Greats.” I’m not much of a drinker, but I want to build a mancave in the near future and I think this would be a great addition. This book is a great
‘No Tear’ Funny Prank Toilet Paper
‘No Tear’ Funny Prank Toilet Paper – Impossible to Rip…buy it on Amazon! “No Tear” Toilet Paper The “No Tear” toilet paper is a great gag, if you use it correctly. As a practical gift, it’s kind of crappy. However, it’s also one of the best gag gifts in the world, if you’re a complete #$*&@! It does make our
Murphy Style Dog Bed – Gift For Pet Owners
CHECK IT OUT A Murphy Style Dog Bed has to make the list of best gifts for pet owners! It’s absolutely perfect for people that love their pets as much as they love being able to have a clean looking living area. The ecoFLEX Murphy Style Dog Bed folds down out of a decorative cabinet. The cabinet comes in Espresso
Grammar: Know Your Sh*t or Know You’re Sh*t
Grammar: Know Your Shit or Know You’re Shit Hardcover – December 1, 2015…buy it on Amazon! CHECK IT OUT In today’s social media world, it’s hard to tell if anyone even takes grammar seriously anymore. Most people use emojis like today’s version of hieroglyphics. However, social media has also shown that a lot of people need help with grammar. This
Bad Parking Cards For Every Occasion – Great Ways To Say
Check out these book reviews by SPN members Check out these book reviews by SPN members Previous Next Bad parking cards are a great gag gift for anyone that takes parking seriously. A bad parking card can help let people know exactly how you feel too! These bad parking cards also come with a lifetime
Finger Weights for Musicians, Athletes & Gamers
They say these Finger Weights will help you increase power, speed, control, reaction time, endurance, and finesse in your fingers. They also say they’re great for musicians, athletes, and gamers. CHECK IT OUT I think everyone knows there isn’t going to be any gain without the pain here. My fingers hurt just thinking about using those things. However, I’m sure
The Cubes Geometric Structured Sleeping Pillow
CHECK IT OUT The Cubes by F1F2 geometric structured sleeping pillow is a memory foam pillow built a geometric structure of 70 cubes. This memory foam pillow helps if you’re a restless sleeper, big snorer, or suffer from insomnia. The Cubes pillow was made to be great for anyone that tosses and turns all night so give it a try if
Rhino BaseMate Patio Umbrella Base Weight Planter
CHECK IT OUT The Rhino BaseMate Patio Umbrella Base Weight Planter is a great gift idea for mother’s day or girlfriends that like to take care of the outdoor areas. This is a really cheap trick on my end because I know women are going to buy this product. I mean, every woman
Chill Sack Bean Bag Chair
This giant is the Chill Sack 8-Foot Bean Bag Chair and it makes our list of best furniture to buy. It’s great gift idea for the man cave, gamers, teens, and anyone else that just likes being super comfortable! Chill Sack Product Description The Chill Sack 8-foot Bean Bag Chair is made with
LapGear Home Office Pro Lap Desk – Tabletop LapGear Home Office Pro Lap Desk is a great gift idea for anyone that works from home or on the go. It is also great if you just need a break from your traditional desk. The Home Office Pro Lap Desk is big enough for your laptop, a mouse, and your phone. It can hold all off these items
Cell Phone Selfie Stick Tripod
The TONEOF 60″ Cell Phone Selfie Stick Tripod is a great gift idea for social media influencers that want to be able to take better photos and videos . SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . TONEOF 60″ Cell Phone Selfie Stick Tripod,Smartphone Tripod Stand All-in-1 with Integrated Wireless Remote,Portable,Lightweight,Extendable Phone Tripod
Charmeuse Kimono Robes – Cool Clothes
I love everything about these Charmeuse Kimono Robes because they’re elegant, comfy, and one the top gift ideas for women. These robes are also great for dudes that like to be comfy. You may also want to check out the Japanese heated table so you have another reason to cuddle up. These robes make great Christmas or anniversary gifts too!
Stinger Whip Emergency Car Tool
Previous Next CHECK IT OUT The Stinger Whip emergency car tool is so awesome it should be in everyone’s glovebox. This tool has many different uses becomes it comes with a razor-sharp seatbelt cutter, an 18″ steel cable, and a hammer it an ergonomic handle. The tool is able to help you escape emergency situations
D’CENT Biometric Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet
The D’CENT Biometric Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet protects Bitcoin, Dogecoin, or whatever cryptocurrency you want to keep safe. This biometric wallet easily makes our list of top gifts for geeks! It is a Bluetooth-enabled cold storage device that protects your private crypto keys with a certified Secure chip(EAL5+). It has a built-in fingerprint sensor, which both prevent others from accessing your
The Ultimate LinkedIn Profile (Book)
The Ultimate LinkedIn Profile: Get the EXACT words, phrases and formatting hacks that turn your LinkedIn Profile into a lead-generating, client-attracting piece of content! Get a copy on Amazon through our affiliate marketing link. The Ultimate LinkedIn Profile (Book) The Ultimate LinkedIn Profile: Get the EXACT words, phrases and formatting hacks that turn your LinkedIn Profile into a lead-generating, client-attracting
Electric Tire Pressure Gauge
Electric Tire Pressure Gauge It’s 2023, there’s no need for you to be using the same tire electric pressure gauge dad did when he first showed you how to take the number. This electric tire pressure gauge gives you an accurate read of PSI in just one try and thanks to its built-in flashlight, is easy to use at night.
How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety
My review on How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety: And Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their Nine Lives. I have to be honest, this novelty book was definitely an impulse buy for me. Watching The Bourne Identity was boring, so I got the audible version of this book, while looking for geeky gift ideas.
AC Infinity AIRTAP HVAC Register Booster Fan
The AC Infinity AIRTAP HVAC Register Booster Fan is on my list of great gifts for men this year. Use this fan to regulate air flow from your HVAV system. This is also a great gift idea for anyone that tends to be a be a little hotter or colder than everyone else in the house. You just plug it
Work Sharp Rolling Knife Sharpener
Check out the Work Sharp Rolling Knife Sharpener because it makes my list of great gifts for men. It’s a must have in any kitchen because sharp knives cut best. Play Video Click to see more videos 2 VIDEOS Work Sharp Rolling Knife Sharpener with 4 sharpening angles for all chef and kitchen knives. Buy it online now through our
Delete My Browser History Medical Alert Bracelet – Great Gift Ideas
CHECK IT OUT The SPN gift guides have a lot of great gifts, but few save lives like “Delete My Browser History Medical Alert Bracelet.” That was a joke, but this is enough truth in that last line to make this a great gift for men. Product description: “Delete My Browser History Medical Alert Bracelet” This gag gift is engraved with “Delete
Elliptigo – Outdoor Elliptical Trainer
Previous Next Check out the “ElliptiGO 8C – The World’s First Outdoor Elliptical Bike and Your Best Indoor Elliptical Trainer” on Amazon for $2,699.00. The ElliptiGO 8C model’s 8 gears allow you to grind up a 20% grade or fly at up to 25 mph down the road. You’ll also avoid the hard impact of running and the seat burn of long-distance
PetSafe Bolt Automatic Interactive Laser Cat Toy
The PetSafe Bolt Automatic Interactive Laser Cat Toy is a great toy for cats and people that love them. This cat toy was made for people that have active cats that like their peace. You can turn this bad boy on and leave the room, so the cat will be occupied for the next 15 minutes. Cats are dumb so
Wooden Pirate Treasure Chest
This Wooden Pirate Treasure Chest is a great addition to any man-cave. It’s also a great gift for kids or men that have some loot to store in a safe place. What makes the perfect wood pirate treasure chest? This wood pirate treasure chest is perfect because of its durability and ability to fit into a variety of settings with
Mobile Laptop Desk with Adjustable Tabletop & Footrest
Previous Next Anyone that sits at a desk will love this gift idea. Get it on Amazon for $179.99. All Amazon links on this page are affiliate links. You can stand to do your work to stretch your legs and back. The person that took these photos of the Mobile Laptop Desk with Adjustable
The Coolest Cooler – Perfect Cooler For Beach Or Camping
Previous Next If you don’t think this is the Coolest Cooler than I’m not sure we can be friends. You can buy it on Amazon for $399.99. This thing is really cool and it also holds the record for the most-funded Kickstarter campaign of all time. It was able to rack up an incredible $13,285,226 in backer pledges. Yea, you
Tentsile Trillium XL – 6-Person Hammock
The Tentsile Trillium XL is a hammock that big enough to fit 6 people! Unless you’re practing safe social distancing then it’s more like 3 people. Tentsile makes a variety of suspended sleepers so make sure to check them out on Amazon as well. Their Trillium XL is a dream come true for thegroup of people that love the great
Gifts For Older Men
The gentleman in your life, who believes he possesses everything, will truly have it all once you explore this curated collection of gifts for older men. Crafted with dads and grandpas who’ve marked numerous milestone birthdays in mind, these selections cater to those advancing in age. Discover practical gifts designed to maintain a sense of independence for an extended period,
iFetch Automatic Ball Launcher
The iFetch Automatic Ball Launcher is not the first automatic ball launcher for dogs, but it is high-quality for its price point. This automatic tennis small launcher is built for small dogs, so they can play fetch inside all they want. It was an easy choice for our top gifts for pets! The iFetch Automatic Ball Launcher comes 3 mini
Wine Dispensing Purse – Greats Gifts Ideas For Her
Previous Next This wine dispensing purse on Amazon for $21.50 is cool because you can get lit without arousing suspicion. This purse is great at fueling the fun due to the way you can discreetly pour more wine anytime. You’ll never have to be sober again! The baggy wine coat also looks way better than a bag
Silk Suit Pajamas: Great Gift Idea Of Men
Previous Next The Official Men’s Legendary Suitjamas (Silk Suit Pajamas) make the SPN gifts for men hall of fame. These are awesome silk suit pajamas that will make any man feel like a million bucks before going to bed. They are made from silk and cotton, so they’re as soft and comfortable as can be. There is
Heleman BBQ Grill Scraper
The Heleman BBQ gril scraper makes a great gift for grilling enthusiasts. This BBQ scraper also works as a bottle opener, so it’s great for the man cave too! Valentines Day Gifts for Him BBQ Grill Scraper – Grilling Gifts for Men Grill Accessories Cleaner Scraper Cool Stuff Gadgets for Teens Adults Husband Dad Birthday Gifts for Men Women Kitchen
Furniture Deals: Get Great Furniture For Your Home & Office
Check out this furniture you’ll love and get great ideas on how to decorate your home or office. There is furniture for every style and budget in this list. Explore this assortment of home & office furniture, so you can get great stuff. Whether you’re shopping for headboards, bedroom sets, sofas, or whatever this is the site to use. You
Soul’s Journey By Sam Yau
About Sam Yau Sam Yau is a retired business executive, splitting his time between managing his investments and writing poetry. Sam has re-invented his life several times, from a 6-month baby on a refugee boat, to a penniless student from a distant land, to the CEO of a billion-dollar corporation, to the Chairman of a well-known pioneering center for personal
Saki Automatic Pot Stirrer – Great Gift Idea For Cooks
Previous Next The Saki Automatic Pot Stirrer makes the grade for the induction into the gifts for men and women gift guides. This automatic pot stirrer makes the grade due to the awesome factor. A lot of people like to cook, but there few people that really want to stand over a boiling
5-Year Home Maintenance Log Book
The 5-Year Home Maintenance Log Book makes a great gift idea for any property owner. Get a copy and start keeping a maintenance log for your property today! SPN is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us a commission. Learn more . 5-Year Home Maintenance Log Book In today’s world, the demands of fast-paced lifestyles can pose a challenge
Positive Images & Stories To Brighten Your Day
I really don’t know how many positive images, videos, and stories from 2020 will actually be stuffed into this article. My goal is to find as many positive stories as possible to share here. It’s my hope that we can start to share more positive things in our social media feeds. If you’re like me, then you’re in need of