5 Systems Of Susscessful People (Book Review)

5 SYSTEMS OF SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE: WORKING SMARTER NOT HARDER (Street Smart Entrepreneur). Buy it on Amazon now!

I met Scotty Schindler a few years back through online networking. I bought a copy of his book due to all the content he has been putting out over the years.

This book has a lot of great tips and motivational tidbits throughout. I strongly suggest it to any entrepreneur looking to scale a business.

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Get a copy of 5 SYSTEMS OF SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE: WORKING SMARTER NOT HARDER (Street Smart Entrepreneur) on Amazon now!

Description of the book by author

Do you want to achieve twice as much in half the time?

Do you want to learn from someone else’s experience?

Do you want to work smarter, not harder?

Awesome! Then here’s the good news and the 5 systems that can do just that. These 5 systems were all developed from my own experiences. Over 30 years, I have proved these 5 systems and taught them to many others. And over the years, I have worked with many amazing people in business and sport, and I’ve seen the fantastic results they achieve, to the point that the 5 systems of successful people almost can’t fail.

Now I know there is a lot of information out there, so that’s why I have turned the complex into 5 simple systems for myself. And long before starting my own company, I believed in these systems. But once I did start my own company, it was time to prove if these systems really did work, and they do!

So yes, I will speak a lot from my own real-life experiences. Those lessons from a D class student who successfully started, developed, and exited from a startup company. I leveraged the 5 systems and then retired at the age of 46 when I became financially wealthy, and now do what I want when I want.

So I encourage you to know your definition of success, and I want you to leverage these 5 systems to achieve everything you have ever wanted. It’s your turn!

So, What are the 5 Systems?

Now I love the word system, and I believe in systems that people can follow. And the 5 systems could have also been called the 5 attitudes, habits, philosophies, techniques, methods; you get the point. But I believed in and developed systems, so that’s how they will be explained. So what are the 5 systems?

1. Business Judo®

  1. Positive Mental Attitude (PMA).
  2. Collaboration.
  3. Leverage.
  4. Win-Win-Win.
  5. Network.

2. Time Duplication®

This is the one thing every successful person understands!

They duplicate themselves, products, and money.

3. Business of Thirds®

This is how successful people plan for their success.

4. Rule of 100®

These are the checkpoints successful people use to know what they need to do next.

The first; 100 seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months.

5. Sugar & Cream®

Successful people become the sugar and chase the sugar. Even if they look like cream, they stay sugary.

By the end of this book, you will understand the 5 systems. And there is no order for the systems either. However, they are all essential to success, and we can work them concurrently or separately to achieve our goals. In other words, these systems work for successful people because they work their systems.

And the many stories in this book are shared to help you recognise, relate, assimilate, take action and start using these systems right now. Then share them with as many people as you can. And I know that while reading this book, there is a big chance that you will have at least one epiphany, a rebirth in your thinking. Anyway, that’s what happened to me in the 90s when I realised these systems worked.

And when I speak to other successful people, they all agree that systems work and the biggest key to success is getting systems in place as early as possible. And there is no better time than now, is there? And if these 5 systems worked for them, they will work for you. And when you succeed at all 5 systems, you too will not only be working smarter rather than harder; you’ll also be able to achieve twice as much in half the time.

So make sure you finish this book. Better still, read this book at least twice.

I wish you every success and can’t wait for you to share with me how you use these 5 systems to succeed.

Strive for Healthy Wealthy & Wise®.

Scotty Schindler

More about Scotty Schindler

Scotty Schindler
Scotty Schindler

Scotty Schindler is a business and sports leader proudly from Sawtell, New South Wales, Australia. Now the retired startup founder and CEO of ReNet, he is recognised as a leading Aussie business identity and keen surfer who has won multiple surfing Titles. An overview of Scott’s life shows an enviable ability to achieve success in anything he pursues.

At its core, Scott’s career is a story of creativity, hard work and a love of Australian life. As CEO of ReNet, Scott has presided over the growth of a startup business that began in 2000 with just 1 single property listing advertised. On Scott’s retirement in 2017, ReNet managed over $1.125 Trillion Dollars ($1,125,771,059,045) in real estate across Australia and New Zealand by 5,000 real estate offices and some 15,000 real estate salespeople.

In complement to his role as CEO, Scott is also a highly sought-after public speaker, trainer and thought leader within Australia and around the world. A business mentor and sales trainer that can back up advice with proven results in his own life, Scott credits his ‘quintessentially Australian’ identity as a born optimist and clear-cut straight talker, as key to his success in this arena.

Before this present chapter of his life, Scott acquired his business and sales trade during 10 years in the insurance industry in the ’90s. Other organisations Scott is actively involved in are the Sawtell Boardriders, Sawtell Business Chamber, Surfing NSW and Fire + Rescue New South Wales. The roles vary but Scott’s devotion to community is a constant and so too an unending love of business and surfing that has carved out many, many adventures.

Alongside having represented and won for Australia at the world surfing titles, Scott also holds multiple surfing championships at all levels of amateur surfing. With an enduring belief that success in business and sport require dedication to the same qualities, Scott is also very proud of his work as a coach and trainer of WQS surfers and Aussie surfers in junior development.

When away from his work or sporting commitments, Scott spends time with his family, friends and is a proud supporter and sponsor of local sporting groups such as Sawtell Surf Life Saving and Sawtell Scorpions FC.

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